Here are some of the little cuties we have encountered in our travels. At the end I have included photos of our past cats. One of the cutest we saw was in Buenos Aires, Argentina. A lady was walking her dog and the dog was proudly carrying his own poop bag. (yes, it was used) We were in tons of traffic so getting a shot wasn't possible, but a fun memory.

Petra, Jordan - I match the rocks.....How cool am I? Kitty was high up looking down at us and I could just feet something watching.

Lima, Peru - puppy playing with someone's shoelaces
Guayaquil, Ecuador
Venice, Italy
Santorini, Greece
Santorini, Greece
Santorini, Greece
Santorini, Greece
Pompeii, Italy
St Paul de Vance, France
Montserrat, Spain
Montserrat, Spain
Montserrat, Spain
Montserrat, Spain
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Bay of Islands, New Zealand
Phuket, Thailand
Amish & Mennonite of Bird-in-Hand & Intercourse, PA
hot dogs - Niagara Falls State Park - New York
kitty on a porch - Chochin, India
dog enjoying the trolly tour - Savannah, GA
Acajutla, El Salvador
Santa Marta Favela - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Roatan, Honduras
Buenos Aires, Argentina
I'm cute bomb - Rhodes, Greece
I know it's not a cat or dog, but I had to include it. yep, it's a pot-bellied pig! (at a neighboring RV) - Greystone RV Park - Pinnacle, NC
Rhodes, Greece
Chania - Crete, Greece
Chania - Crete, Greece
cat on the roof - Bari, Italy
cute dog in stroller in front of us - Washington's Mount Vernon - VA
Hvar, Croatia
Punta Arenas, Chile
Bruges, Belgium - it's a dog's life - apparently, he sits in the window every day and watches the boats go by
Auckland, New Zealand
Venice, Italy
Puerto Chacabuco, Chile
Puerto Chacabuco, Chile
Valparaiso, Chile
walking to the Segesta Temple - Sicily, Italy
Nosy Be', Madagascar
kitty in the doorway - Chefchaouen, Morocco
Chefchaouen, Morocco
Algarve Coast, Portugal
Chochin, India
these lost dogs wanted to adopt us - Blue Ridge Parkway - NC, VA & WV
this cute dog was right next to the road wedged under the "grass cave" - Volcan, Panama
Fortaleza, Brazil
he kept us company - Darien, Panama
Contadora Island, Panama
San Blas Islands, Panama
San Blas Islands, Panama - he didn't ask for a dollar....
dog on chair in restaurant - Granada, Nicaragua
Puerto Chacabuco, Chile
Bora Bora
I hear they have ugly dog contests in the States.... - Salaverry, Peru
kitty invited herself to lunch - Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Delta de Tigre, Argentina - looks like rigor mortis (he was just sleeping)
cute puppy - Chochin, India
Kittens - Dharavi Slums, India
Aqaba, Jordan - Kings Highway & Crusader Castles
Chania - Crete, Greece
tired puppy - Chania - Crete, Greece
Hvar, Croatia
kitties in the alley - Hvar, Croatia
La Paz, Mexico
Sicily, Italy
Sicily, Italy
man, I ate too much candy - Chefchaouen, Morocco
Embara' Indian Village - Gamboa, Panama
Rio Negro, Brazil
Rio Negro, Brazil
Rio Negro, Brazil
Rio Negro, Brazil
Rio Negro, Brazil
Bora Bora
Rio Negro, Brazil
Rio Negro, Brazil
Rio Negro, Brazil
Manaus, Brazil
Bangkok, Thailand
Quito, Ecuador
dog needs to learn to relax.... - Panama
Penang, Malaysia
Penang, Malaysia
Ollantaytambo, Peru
Ollantaytambo, Peru
Ollantaytambo, Peru - owner's dog
Dubai, UAE
Jordan - on the drive to Petra
Petra, Jordan
Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt - cats at the snorkel shop
cat at lunch - Limassol, Cyprus
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey - does every mosque have a resident cat?
Istanbul, Turkey
Athens, Greece
Athens, Greece
Athens, Greece
Kotor, Montenegro - outside someone's house - there is a cat in the carrier too
El Valle, Panama
hot dog in a small "cave" for shade - Panama
San Blas Islands, Panama
Contadora Island, Panama
Juneau, Alaska - dog poses after tour - plus he always knew where to find the whales
this little guy wanted to play - Chica', Panama
Santa Tomas de Castilla, Guatemala - dog in street---not dead----I asked......
Santa Tomas de Castilla, Guatemala - and the camera adds 10 lbs????
Roatan, Honduras - he stopped traffic to do his business
Gamboa, Panama
Bocas del Toro, Panama
Bocas del Toro, Panama - please take me home......
El Valle, Panama
resident cat - Argentina
El Valle, Panama
dog helping us bird.....El Valle, Panama
dog relaxing in front of Machetazo Supermercado - Coronado, Panama
Amsterdam - the owner had to come out to tell me to stop feeding it
resident cat at Gamboa Rainforest Resort - Panama - she came to sleep on my lap on almost every visit
same cat different visit - Gamboa Resort - Panama (there were many cats there, but this one took to me)
Our Abyssinian, Ping
Our Tonkinese, Samurai
Our Silver & Black Classic Tabby, Koshka
our Bengal, Congo
Congo & Koshka on the waterfall of our pool
Tweener & Garbonzo
Havana, Cuba
Lake Louise, Alberta
Victoria, Canada - Canada Day
For larger photos: Cats & Dogs
For all albums:
I have a couple more in mind to do, but they will take more time. I should have pulled favorite market shots as I was going through albums, but I didn't. Birds will come very last as they are a large task. We have seen well over a 1000 species and wading through tons of "crappy" photos is a chore. I started "Where are we and what are we dressed for?" but that will take more time. Anyway, it was a good diversion for 2 years of not traveling during the Pandemic.