Thursday, April 20, 2023

Malaga, Spain – The Alhambra & Generalife Gardens & Granada - Apr 15

Malaga, Spain – Apr 15

No voice day 4

This was a new port for us, and we opted to visit The Alhambra, a Moorish Palace which is considered the Eighth Wonder of the world. It is one of the most famous monuments of Islamic architecture and one of the best-preserved palaces of the historic Islamic world, in addition to containing notable examples of Spanish Renaissance architecture. It was the private palace of Boabdil, the last Sultan.

Our guide today was Roland with ToursByLocals and our driver was Maria. 

before sunrise on the ship

We were joined by Roberta & John, Bob & Phyllis and June. We had a great tour of the Alhambra which Roland had to book about 3 months in advance to get tickets. He was very informative and easily guided us through the sites. We started with the gardens of Generalife. Beautiful views and the gardens were well maintained even though it was early in Spring, and some areas still needed planting. Finally, it was time for our reservation, and we had to show our passports to get in.

We visited the Princesses Chambers, the Lion's Yard, Alcazaba, Nasrid Palaces, Charles V Palace and more.

Beautiful and intricate craftmanship and some calligraphy that looked like art. We were glad that we had a knowledgeable guide that helped us understand everything we were seeing. This is a place where photos don't really do it justice.

on the drive to The Alhambra

arrival at The Alhambra
stunning views from the gardens

Roland, our guide

snow on the mountains

thirsty cat, it drank for about 5 minutes or more

ceiling in one area

After our visit we had our lunch as a group at La Mimbre. Greg and I both chose local dishes. Mine was better than Greg’s. Greg had Fried Broad Beans with Serrano Ham and I had Slow Fried Potatoes, Fried Egg, 2 pork loin chops, Serrano Ham, Black Pudding and Chorizo. Way too much food, but so tasty!

Slow Fried Potatoes, Fried Egg, 2 pork loin chops, Serrano Ham, Black Pudding and Chorizo
Fried Broad Beans with Serrano Ham

Our walking tour of Grenada was a little rushed, but we got a feel for the charming town at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains.


Back at the ship we grabbed some dinner at the buffet and came back to the cabin. I had probably my worst night and took cold meds and went to bed despite getting to set the clocks 2 hours back to get on Morocco time. I seemed to need every minute of sleep I could get.

Tomorrow, we look forward to Casablanca for Marrakech.

Malaga, Spain

Common Swift

Common Wood-Pigeon

Eurasian Blackbird

Eurasian Jackdaw

Eurasian Magpie

Eurasian Tree Sparrow

European Robin NEW

European Serin

House Sparrow

Pallid Swift

Spotless Starling

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