Saturday, March 25, 2023

Aqaba, Jordan - Dead Sea - Mar 24

Aqaba, Jordan - Dead Sea 

We have been to Jordan 3 times now. The first time we visited Petra & Wadi Rum. (both are must-see's) The second time we did Kings Highway and crusader Castles. So, looking for something different we took a trip to the Dead Sea. We have done the Dead Sea from the Israel side so we thought it would be fun to have a day at the Crowne Plaza Resort where we had day passes to use all the facilities, float in the Dead Sea and have a nice lunch. Crowne Plaza Jordan - Dead Sea Resort & Spa - Swemieh, Jordan (

Here are the photo albums from our last 2 trips:

Petra & Wadi Rum - Jordan 2013

Jordan - Kings Highway & Crusader Castles 2017

Dead Sea & Jerusalem 2013 Jerusalem & Dead Sea

I booked with Jordan Horizon Tours, the same company we used before. They are always waiting as you get off the ship. We spit into 2 vehicles for the almost 4-hour drive through the desert to the Dead Sea. Though it was a long drive there were mountains, Bedouins, camels, goats, sheep and vegetable farms along the way. We had Saudi Arabia behind us, Egypt and then Israel on the far side and Jordan on the other.

We happened to be visiting during Ramadan and our guide was Abdallah and Muslim, so he was fasting. The other driver was Christian and could have lunch later at the hotel. Abdallah did take some of the lovely deserts to have later with his family.

sunrise at the port


lots of farms along the way
fruit & vegetable stands

We stopped at a rest stop about halfway there for restrooms, refreshments and of course some souvenir shopping. I got my token magnet of the Dead Sea.

"Refreshed" we rode the rest of the way to the resort with a stop for a photo op of the Dead Sea and of Lot's wife Pillar, a popular name given to a large pillar of salt and brown soil, visible next to road 90, south of Masada. By local tradition this is Lot's wife who turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying God's command, as told in Genesis 19:26. 

first glimpse of the Dead Sea

Lot's Wife formation

salt collecting at the base

translation of the sign
danger zone on pain of death (lost in translation)
on a clear day you could see Israel - not today

We finally arrived at the Crowne Plaza, and it was a beautiful oasis in the desert. It was a great place to relax and enjoy the Dead Sea & their pools. We were almost to Amma, the capital of Jordan almost at the border. We were 1,320 ft below sea level. (1,234 ft at the hotel before going down to the water)

Lunch wasn't open yet, so we started with the Dead Sea Float. Some did mud first and others did mud last. Greg got some GoPro footage of everyone. The water was cold. The last time we did it from Israel it wasn't cold. (hotter day) Eventually, I got myself into the water and forgot how cold it was. Everyone else made their way down. Most of us did the float. We used the outdoor showers to get off most of the mud. Then, most of us went to the closest pool and used the jacuzzi and the pools to relax. By this time, I was starving, and we headed for the nice showers at the hotel pool area and got changed back into regular clothes to hit the buffet.

walk to the elevator down to the Dead Sea

slathering on the mud

Heather & Matt

waiting for everyone else to get in

Greg is holding the GoPro so not many of himself

Matt getting in
Greg's feet, Heather floating and Matt standing

Cathy & Tom
Bob standing, Cathy standing and Mark floating

Tom & Mark
Heather, Matt & Mark
Mark & Cathy
Bob, Cathy, Tom standing and Mark floating
Heather & Matt & Cathy

one of the pool areas


me chillin in the chair

elevator to get back to the hotel

the main pool areas
bridge over the pools

The buffet was a huge selection of food. Cold dips and things on one side and hot dishes on the other with another station with yummy desserts. 

Some finished and went to the lobby to hang out and to search for a gift shop. I found a couple of things and so did a few of the others. We hung out a bit more and decided we should get going back to the ship. 

Made another stop at the same place for refreshments. I decided I "needed" to by a small glitzy camel. 

On the way back we came across some camels crossing the road and the driver asked if we wanted to stop for photos which of course we did. There were some adorable baby camels.

the ride back to the port

We arrived back at the ship and dropped our things and went upstairs to the buffet for some food. Then back to the room to unpack things before going to the culture show which was a Traditional Arabic Show. 
arrival back at the port


Dead Sea Photos


Of course, a few birds were spotted:

Black Kite

Common Myna

Eurasian Collared-Dove

Eurasian Marsh-Harrier

Fan-tailed Raven - NEW

House Sparrow

Laughing Dove

Pallid Swift

Red-rumped Swallow - NEW

Rock Pigeon

Spur-winged Lapwing

White-spectacled Bulbul - NEW

Tomorrow, we have a day at sea and later in the day we will arrive at the Suez Canal for transit the day after.

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